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Press Release

NAMA Commends Tennessee Legislature on Passage of Micro Market Legislation

Bringing Clarity to Tax, Licensing and Inspections of Micro Markets

ARLINGTON, Va. – The National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) today released the following statement from Mike Goscinski, senior director, external affairs, on the unanimous passage and signing of H.B. 367.

“Passage of H.B. 367, formally defining micro markets, provides much-needed simplification for convenience services operators in Tennessee. The bill ensures that unattended retail locations or “micro markets” are not subjected to onerous licensing and inspection regulations that are intended for restaurants and establishments that prepare food on site.

Micro markets are the fastest-growing segment of the convenience services industry and they enable consumers to engage with a variety of products through self-checkout. Thanks to the leadership of the Tennessee Automatic Merchandising Association, State House, Senate and Governor Lee, operators in Tennessee have the clarity they need to meet consumers’ needs without unnecessary and costly regulation.

We are pleased to see continued momentum since obtaining a national definition of micro markets in the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food Code in December 2019. But, many states across the nation are still struggling with defining micro markets, determining registration fees and formalizing health inspection standards. We look forward to continuing to work with state legislators on similar measures that provide clarity for businesses and protect food safety.”



NAMA represents the $34.9 billion U.S. Convenience Services Industry. By providing advocacy, education, and research, NAMA works to promote and protect the industry’s over 160,000 hardworking employees. Through traditional vending and micro markets, office coffee and pantry services, product manufacturing, and small-drop distribution, convenience services meets the needs of over 40 million American consumers daily at work, home, school, and play.

Manager, Communications & Marketing
[email protected]