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Technician Training

NAMA's Technician Training Program is a comprehensive, online course that provides training to vending technicians in areas of job fundamentals, refrigeration and electrical/electronics to further develop the requirements of the position. All materials and exams are offered online. The program is divided into three levels. One can register for each level individually or for all three in a cost-efficient bundle.

Also Available:

The Power Tools: Technician Training Levels 1-3

This course covers all levels of Technician Training. Vending technicians will learn their job fundamentals, and about refrigeration and electronics for vending machines. After successful completion of three online exams, a certificate and an embroidered patch for each level are awarded. Well trained technicians will result in improved time per service call, fewer customer complaints and refunds, fewer repeat service calls, lower equipment maintenance costs, improved employee morale and reduced employee turnover. For more detail on each level Technician Training, or if training is needed only in a specific level, please explore each one below.




Level 1: Job Fundamentals

An introduction to the vending industry and vending machines. It covers how to be a professional technician; common hand tools; basic soldering techniques; machine moving; minor repairs and maintenance; coin mechanisms and bill validators; pressurized gas cylinders; sanitation fundamental and security practices. After successful completion of an online exam, a certificate and an embroidered patch are awarded.




Level 2: Refrigeration

For technicians who have completed Level 1, the next level covers refrigeration for vending machines. Course topics include refrigeration theory, heat transference, the refrigeration cycle, related electrical systems, testing compressor windings, testing external compressor parts, and troubleshooting refrigeration systems. After successful completion of an online exam, a certificate and an embroidered patch are awarded.




Level 3: Electronics

For technicians who have completed Level 2, the final level covers electronics in vending machines. Topics include basic electrical principles, Ohm's Law, wiring devices, switches and controls, coils, relays, solenoids, capacitors, transformers and rectifiers, resistors, electronics and semiconductors, electric motors, heaters, electrodes, electrical test equipment and trouble-shooting vending schematics. After successful completion of an online exam, a certificate and an embroidered patch are awarded.




Technician Training Registry

Level 1 - Job Fundamentals
Pat Agnos Unlisted Canteen
Joe Amos Unlisted Canteen
Jason Bain Unlisted Unlisted
Bert Baker Unlisted Canteen
Moe Barnes Unlisted Canteen
Harold Barrett Unlisted Canteen
Jack Bartimus Unlisted Canteen
Kylie Bartholomew WA B & P Vending and Markets
Eugene Beaudoin Unlisted Unlisted
Mike Benner Unlisted Canteen
Billy Blair Unlisted Canteen
Rob Bonebrakes Unlisted Canteen
Mike Boston Unlisted Canteen
Dave Boxleitner Unlisted Canteen
Jacob Bragunier Unlisted Canteen
Darrell, Jr. Brandenburg MI Canteen
Dave Brodell Unlisted Unlisted
Chase Brown AR Snack Rack, Inc
Junior Brown Unlisted Canteen
John Buchanan Unlisted Canteen
Corbin Burnham OK Unlisted
Scott Burns Unlisted Canteen
John Carbone Unlisted Canteen
Clyde Casterlow Unlisted Canteen
Scott Chapman MI Canteen
Victor Chriest Unlisted Canteen
Jeff Claffy Unlisted Canteen
Don Clamser Unlisted Canteen
Greg Clark IN Canteen
Kegan Clarke Unlisted Unlisted
Sheldon Clarke Unlisted Unlisted
Larry Clayton OK Unlisted
William Coffey Unlisted Unlisted
Paul Coomber Unlisted Canteen
Ron Copernoll Unlisted Canteen
Edward Craig Unlisted Canteen
Terry Cramsey Unlisted Unlisted
David Cromer VA Good Buy 2 You LLC
Brian Crowe Unlisted Canteen
Joe Cuthbertson Unlisted Canteen
Nick Dablow ND CHI Friendship
Ron David Unlisted Canteen
Edris Davies Unlisted Canteen
Roger Dean Unlisted Canteen
Joe Demartino NY Canteen
David Demcher Unlisted Canteen
Dennis DiMatteo PA Independent
Steve Dowdy Unlisted Unlisted
Clarence Dury Unlisted Canteen
Norlin Eadie MI Canteen
Jake Edmonds Unlisted Canteen
Gordon Eldridge Unlisted Canteen
Jimmy Elias Unlisted Unlisted
Shayne Elliott Unlisted Canteen
Ken Emberton Unlisted Canteen
Eduardo Erduino Unlisted Unlisted
Rex Ernst Unlisted Canteen
Keith Evans Unlisted Unlisted
Don Farley IN Canteen
Ric Foster Unlisted Canteen
Terrance Francis Unlisted Unlisted
Donald Frashure Unlisted Canteen
Larry Gallagher Unlisted Canteen
Jerome Gary Unlisted Canteen
Christina Gaskins TX Overnight Bag
Ron Gerke Unlisted Canteen
Frank Godfrey Unlisted Canteen
James Gousha Unlisted Canteen
Ronald Grandison Unlisted Unlisted
Marshall Gulley Unlisted Unlisted
Yazmin Guy Unlisted Unlisted
Andrew Haight Unlisted Unlisted
Wayne Hamilton Unlisted Canteen
Steve Harbin Unlisted Canteen
Larry Hase Unlisted Canteen
Chris Haskins Unlisted Canteen
Billy Hefner Unlisted Canteen
Mason Helton Unlisted Canteen
Stephen Hernandez PA Morning Start Services
Ernie Herring Unlisted Canteen
Marvin Hicks Unlisted Canteen
John Hirtzel Unlisted Canteen
Greg Hommes Unlisted Canteen
Susan Huffman NC Canteen
Steve Hunt Unlisted Canteen
James Hutchinson Unlisted Canteen
Jerry Inman TX Mcliff Coffee + Vending
James Jenkins Unlisted Canteen
Mike Jessup Unlisted Canteen
Albert Johnson Unlisted Canteen
Rick Keziah Unlisted Canteen
Carl King Unlisted Unlisted
Kevin King Unlisted Unlisted
Joseph Kolowitz Unlisted Canteen
John Konnic Unlisted Canteen
Rick Kovac Unlisted Canteen
Paul Kovschak Unlisted Canteen
Jeff Krepps Unlisted Canteen
Sidney Lambert Unlisted Unlisted
Andre Landes PA Trinity Axis
Gary Lang Unlisted Canteen
Adrian Lares CA Independent
Thomas Lee Unlisted Canteen
Alan Lehmann MA Interseminarian-Project Place, Inc.
Dane Lewis Unlisted Unlisted
Nathan Liggitt PA Reliable Vending
Jim Lockard Unlisted Unlisted
Paul Lowery Unlisted Canteen
Steve Lynn Unlisted Canteen
Gary Mansfield NC Canteen
Jerry Marsh Unlisted Canteen
Roger Martinez Unlisted Canteen
Billy Mashburn Unlisted Canteen
Thomas Mayfield Unlisted Canteen
Michael Maynard IL Canteen
Danny McCulley Unlisted Canteen
Fred McLaine Unlisted Canteen
Bruce Miller Unlisted Unlisted
John Miller Unlisted Canteen
Ezequiel Morales IN ReFresh Facility Services
Jeff Morgan Unlisted Canteen
William Mueller MI Canteen
Stephanie Nichols Unlisted Unlisted
Dan Noah Unlisted Unlisted
Tyler Nolan WI Konop
Tim Obrien NC Canteen
Al Palmer Unlisted Canteen
Jaron Parker Unlisted Canteen
Richard Passannante Unlisted Canteen
Vishal Paul Unlisted Unlisted
Christian Peter ME Casco Bay Food and Beverage
Keston Peters Unlisted Unlisted
Ike Pettit Unlisted Canteen
John Pettit Unlisted Canteen
Ron Phelps Unlisted Unlisted
Darren Pierre Unlisted Unlisted
Tom Pinkerton Unlisted Unlisted
David Pomrose Unlisted Canteen
Rich Preator Unlisted Unlisted
Wes Price Unlisted Canteen
Kevin Pugh Unlisted Canteen
John Racey Unlisted Canteen
Tom Reed Unlisted Unlisted
George Rehder Unlisted Canteen
Steve Retter Unlisted Canteen
Gordon Rolston Unlisted Canteen
Randall Rubley MI Canteen
Gary Sager Unlisted Canteen
Mark Schook Unlisted Canteen
Darrin Scott Unlisted Canteen
Ben Schalk MI Canteen
Gregory Sewell CA Unlisted
Mike Sharp Unlisted Canteen
Rich Shearon Unlisted Canteen
Steve Shirk Unlisted Canteen
John Simpson NV Starcade
Joseph Skapik Unlisted Canteen
David Skipper Unlisted Unlisted
Charles Smith Unlisted Canteen
Chris Smith AK Vend Alaska
Chris Smith NE Javawave, Inc.
Justin Smith IL Diamond Vending
Kemmeth Smith TX Smith Vending
John Snuggs Unlisted Canteen
Steve Spangler Unlisted Canteen
Aubrey Sprouse Unlisted Canteen
John Stallings TX Unlisted
Gary Starns Unlisted Unlisted
Jimmy Strickland Unlisted Unlisted
Ron Swan Unlisted Canteen
Keith Taylor CA Taylor Vend
Benny Thompson Unlisted Canteen
Richard Toplikar Unlisted Canteen
Victor Torres Unlisted Unlisted
David Tucker Canada Cool Vending
James Turman Unlisted Canteen
Daniel Vanderwoude IN ReFresh Facility Services
Don Wade TX Canteen
Brian Wagner MS Canteen
Tim Warren Unlisted Canteen
Sam Watson Unlisted Canteen
Richard Weathersby TX Weathersby Vending & Maintenance Services
David Whitcomb Unlisted Unlisted
Mike Wilke Unlisted Canteen
Bravell Williams Unlisted Canteen
Clarence Williams TX Williams Snacks
Derrick Williams AZ All that vending
Roy Witmer Unlisted Canteen
Pat Wredt Unlisted Canteen
Bernard Yang NJ AAEON Electronics Inc
Philip Zeiders Unlisted Canteen
Mike Zuback Unlisted Unlisted
Levels 1 & 2 -  Job Fundamentals and Refrigeration
Austin Busch PA One Source Office Refreshment Service Inc.
Larry Fields MI Continental Canteen
Richard Hambrock ME Casco Bay Food and Beverage
Jesse Dinklage RI Rhode Island School of Design
John Holloway MI Canteen
Mike Millett UT BYU Vending
Steve Rossnagel TX Unlisted
Michael Standridge UT Wachtor Electronics, Inc.
All Levels -  Job Fundamentals, Refrigeration and Electronics
Christine Abeyta NM New Mexico Commission for the Blind
Thomas Anderson MI Canteen
Jhong Bautista Unlisted Unlisted
Randy Castillo Unlisted Unlisted
Renato Castillo Unlisted Unlisted
Nigel Chambers NY Cool Runnings Refrigeration and AC
Juan Collazo PA One Source Office Refreshment Service Inc.
Joseph DeMartino NY Canteen
Christian DeSantis CA Sierra Vend-Tech
Brandan Dougherty WI Canteen
Ronald DuFresne WI Canteen
Earl Dupont MD Canteen
Shane Farnican Unlisted Unlisted
Garrett Fisher MI Canteen
Transton Frederick MI Canteen
Rommel Galdonez Unlisted Unlisted
Melchor Gomez Unlisted Unlisted
Douglas Green IL Independent
Dennis Hammer IL Independent
Shane Hinkley MI Canteen
Javier Jauregui CA Unlisted
Kenneth Jones MD Black Tie Services
Jason Kohn WI Canteen
Norbert LaCourse GA Unlisted
Jonthan Lister NM Mesilla Valley Snacks
Michael Lott MS Phoenix Sales and Associates
Keith Lawrie Unlisted Unlisted
Dennis Matienzo Unlisted Unlisted
Micheal Mitchell CA On the Edge Vending
Jonathan Monroe NC SandStar
Amorn Moonnoi VA Unlisted
Sharmley Obdamen Unlisted Unlisted
Jonathon Olvia NE Unlisted
Keith Pembrick TX KM All Purpose Services
Bonifacio Peralta Unlisted Unlisted
Benjamin Pilos Unlisted Unlisted
Eugene Randolph IL Genes Development
John Reinke WI Canteen
Tiana Richardson MI Rich Vending LLC
Jean Rivera PA Godman Vending Services
Thomas Roberts NC Canteen
Terry Russell TN Prescott Bottling Company
Ramona Ruiz NM New Mexico Commission for the Blind
Chris Severin LA Double E Vending
Jeremy Sparks IN Canteen
Briana Spencer SC BLS Vending LLC
Rich Stevens IN Unlisted
Jim Sullivan WI Canteen
Jonathan Szalay NJ 4EvR Perpetual
Mitchell Tessneer FL TNT Vending Services
Seth Theis CO Tice Vending
Andy Thielke WI Canteen
Michael Thompson AZ Tomdra, Inc.
Arnold Tocktoo AK Vend Alaska
Taylor Yohn MN Unlisted
Carter Zahm CA Sierra Vend-Tech
James Zobel PA One Source Office Refreshment Service Inc.

Didn't See Your Name?

Because program attendees always have the option of opting out of the registry, many attendees who have completed this course are unlisted. If your name is missing and you want to be listed, or if you need to update your information, then please contact [email protected].