Advocacy in action: NAMA is the universally recognized and influential advocate of the convenience services industry.

NAMA Machine Evaluation Program

What is NAMA’s Machine Evaluation Program?

The NAMA Machine Evaluation Program (MEP) is a service provided by NAMA to assist vending machine manufacturers in building equipment in conformity with the public health requirements set forth in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Public Health Service Model Food Code. It also provides a means by which vending operators, customers, public health regulatory officials, military personnel and other user groups can identify those machines that meet both the FDA Food Code and NAMA design and construction standards. Already in MEP? Click here to access your account.

Who May Participate?

The evaluation program is open to manufacturers, re-manufacturers and suppliers of conversion equipment for vending machines, coffee brewer equipment and reach-in coolers. A company need not be a member of NAMA to participate, however NAMA members receive a discount.

How Can I Become a NAMA Listed Company in MEP?

Complete the application and pay the fee associated with new certifications. Click here to get started. Once this submission is processed, NAMA’s public health consultant will be in touch with the NAMA Standard and guide you through the new certification process. Certification payments are non-refundable.

Why Certify?

  • Public health, agriculture and military agencies widely accept the evaluation program’s certification. Many governmental and military foodservice regulations require that all food, beverage and water vending machines meet recognized national public health standards.
  • Operators have the assurance that a credible, objective, third party certified professional - widely recognized by public health officials - has evaluated, tested and verified that the vending machines they purchase comply with public health standards and the NAMA Construction Standard. Manufacturers' participation in the program demonstrate their intent and capability to promote public health by providing machines complying with NAMA Construction Standard.

How the Program Works

Machines are evaluated to the applicable design and construction specifications of the latest edition of the U.S. Public Health Service Model Food Code and the requirements of the NAMA Standard for the Sanitary Design and Construction of Food and Beverage Vending Machines. All evaluations are conducted by NAMA through consultants who specialize in public health and environmental issues.

When a machine meets the requirements of these two specifications, a "Letter of Compliance" is issued by the public health consultant identifying the machine by manufacturer, model and the date the certification was first issued. Following the issuance of the compliance letter, the manufacturer is authorized to display the "NAMA Listed" Service Mark on its LISTED machines.

Evaluations are conducted at the manufacturer’s site or at a location which can accommodate the evaluation.

New machine models are certified by NAMA. Once certified, machines are re-evaluated annually to ensure ongoing compliance to NAMA Certification Standards.

How Do I Schedule My Annual Recertification?

As an MEP participant and a NAMA Listed company, your equipment needs to be evaluated by the public health consultant every year. Work cannot be performed until your recertification fee is processed. It is very important that you complete your recertification payment with enough time for your equipment to be evaluated that year. Click here to submit your recertification payment online.


For questions, contact [email protected].

Compliance Letters

Need a copy of a compliance letter? Click here.

Certified Companies

NAMA Construction Standard

The NAMA "Standard for the Sanitary Design and Construction of Food and Beverage Vending Machines" is a voluntary standard governing the sanitary design and construction of food and beverage vending machines and related dispensing equipment and incorporates the requirements of the FDA Model Food Code . The standard was developed and is kept current with the active participation of NAMA's Automatic Merchandising Health-Industry Council (AMHIC) comprised of regulatory officials, vending operators and industry representatives.

The NAMA Construction Standard contains basic requirements relating to materials, design, construction and performance of vending machines within the limits cited in the Standard. These requirements are based upon sound engineering principles, research, records of tests, field experience and an appreciation of the problems of manufacturing, installation and use derived from consultation with and information obtained from manufacturers, vending operators, regulatory officials and others having specialized experience. These requirements are subject to revision as further experience and investigation show it necessary or desirable.

NAMA has additional requirements a company must comply with to be able to obtain and maintain a Listing of vending machines and authority to use the NAMA Service Mark. These include requirements for initial and annual testing and evaluation, either announced or unannounced.

NAMA Service Mark

Effective March 1, 1992, NAMA initiated the field identification of Listed vending machines by the application of the NAMA Service Mark.

Vending machines are evaluated by NAMA to determine if they conform to the requirements of the NAMA Construction Standard before a company is authorized to use the NAMA Service Mark on their Listed vending machines and/or their advertising for these machines. Companies authorized to use the NAMA Service Mark have signed a contract agreeing the NAMA Service Mark will be placed only on products fully complying with the NAMA Construction Standard.

In addition, the company agrees to abide by all other NAMA requirements as specified in the general policies relating to the use of the NAMA Service Mark. If the NAMA Service Mark is misused or vending machines do not continue to comply with these requirements, NAMA will take appropriate enforcement action to rectify such situations.

Listed vending machines must bear the NAMA Service Mark, as shown here, in some form.

The NAMA Service Mark may be die stamped, printed on a metal plate together with or separate from other machine identification plates or it may be printed on a durable pressure-sensitive type of material.

Current Manufacturers